Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM

One-Piece FolderQuick peel-n-seal mailerPartition with air cellFull Overlap cartonFour-Cell carton


Pre-Glued Trays

Pre-Glued Trays (4-Corner Glued Tray)

Another time-saving style is the 4-Corner Glued Tray. They are common at larger nurseries for the customer to put their plants into. The strong corners and flat bottom are ideal for this and many other products. They simply snap open and are ready to pack. This style lends itself to display packages where the contents are wrapped in clear plastic shrink film, allowing the customer to view them without handling them at the same time. Snack food companies mostly use variety packs with this package for retail sales.


Tel: (717) 646-9555


Hanover, PA


Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM